Hatched Links
Today I bring you the very first Hatched Links! Hatched Links is going to be a weekly post bringing you links to cool things in software development from around the web. I hope you enjoy!
- YUI3 3.7.2 Patch Release (YUI Blog): Fixing a couple loader & module issues.
- Designing for Android (Smashing Magazine): Tips and techniques for designing applications for Android.
- Interactive Globe with CSS Shaders (HTML5 Rocks): Applying the new CSS Shaders to Google Maps.
- Fokus: Emphasize anything by covering the rest of the page with semi-transparent black (Hakim).
- 15 Ways To Speed Up Your Mobile Site (Speed Awareness Month): 15 tips and tricks on how to make your site faster for mobile users.
Have something you would like to see on the next Hatched Links? Mention me on Twitter @fromanegg or find me in #yui on irc.freenode.net